October 10-12TH, 2023
Workshop sessions with Mike Hoseus on the Toyota Production System, Lean Leadership, and Culture Development
Site visits at Toyota Kentucky, an Advanced Manufacturing training center, and another Tier 1 or 2 Supplier
Guided tour, tasting, and dinner at Woodford Reserve Distillery
- An intimate platform to network, benchmark and establish best practice with peers from cross- industry organizations.
- Actionable content, case studies, interactive exercises and guied interactive sessions.
- A personal Action Plan to implement and sustain a Lean Culture.
1.Understand what you and your team will need to change in your current role to
successfully lead a Lean Transformation.
2. Understand how to create management systems and infrastructure that make
problems visible and engage team members at all levels in a rigorous problem
solving and continuous improvement process.
3. Complete an assessment of your organization revealing gaps in terms of its
leadership, technical and human systems that need to be addressed in order to
build a lean culture.
1. Walking Tour and photos of Toyota Suppliers!
2. Testimony of Toyota Suppliers Managers on Daily Leadership;
3. Q&A Period with a former TMMK Team Leader & Group Leader ;
4. Daily Leadership Simulation;
Tuesday, October 1oth

Wednesday, October 11th

Thursday, October 12th


ALFRA Toyota Team Director Former Executive Plant Manager of Toyota Kentucky
- Best Seller of the Toyota Culture
- Associate Executive Advisor for ALFRA Lean Advisors
- Former Toyota Assistant General Manager
- Former Assistant General Manager and Human Resources
- Executive Director CQPO
Mike is Executive Director for the Center for Quality People & Organizations (CQPO). Mike Hoseus brings both manufacturing operations and specialization in Human Resource experience to CQPO. CQPO is an organization developed in 1999 as a vision of Toyota Motor Manufacturing to share Lean Quality philosophy and human resource practices with education, business, and community organizations. CQPO current projects with Toyota include New Hire selection and training process, Team Leader and Group Leader post promotion training, Quality Circle Leader and Manager training, and Global Problem Solving for all levels. Mike is an adjunct professor with the University of Kentucky’s Lean Manufacturing Program. Mike is co author with Dr. Jeffery Liker (Author of the Toyota Way) of Toyota Culture. Mike is an adjunct professor with the University of Kentucky’s Center for Manufacturing and a member of the faculty of Lean Enterprise Institute. Mike is also president of Lean Culture Enterprises. Prior to CQPO, Mike was a corporate leader for 13 years at Toyota Motor Manufacturing’s Georgetown, Kentucky, plant both in Human Resources and Manufacturing. As Assistant General Manager in Human Resources, his responsibilities included personnel, safety, HR development, employee relations, benefits, training, and manufacturing/human resource teams for a plant of 8000 team members. His major initiative was development of the enhanced relationship between Human Resource and Manufacturing Mike’s operational responsibilities in manufacturing started in 1987 as a front line supervisor in vehicle assembly. This included all aspects of safety, quality, productivity, cost and morale for operations. With experience as Assembly Plant Manager and eventually Assistant General Manager, his responsibilities increased to include both assembly plants including operations, maintenance, and engineering. He is a Certified Trainer in Global Problem Solving & Waste Reduction, Standardized Work and Kaizen Events.