Toyota Kata In Field

Experience the Powerful Coaching & Improvement Routines on the shop floor

Sibiu, 5 – 7 July


TK (Toyota Kata) is a brilliantly innovative management system that provides the means to achieve two equally important objectives:

  1. A methodology to achieve challenging objectives that are currently beyond a team’s ability to reach, and…
  2. Developing managers and leaders as coaches for creating a culture of continuous improvement, adaption, and innovation. This is done through simple, easy-to-teach, time-efficient, daily routines.

Key benefits

The Improvement Kata and Coaching Kata course is a powerful experience for teams or organizations that want to develop a culture of continuous improvement, adaptation, and even innovation. You will learn the fundamentals of how to apply practice and coaching routines in your organization, and acquire an overview of this ground-breaking new approach.

  • Providing a systematic, scientific routine that can be applied to any problem or challenge.
  • Commonizing how the members of an organization develop solutions.
  • Migrating managers toward a role of coach and mentor, by having them practice coaching cycles.
  • Framing PDCA in a way that has people taking small steps every day

Hands On – Gemba Workshop at Host Company


Dates and Location

5, 6  & 7 July, Sibiu, Romania.



Learn the Kata Method
Learn the Kata Method

Step by step explanation of the Kata method and deployment strategy.

Group Discussions
Group Discussions

Learn & share experiences with managers from different industries, with team based activities.

In field Kata Practice
In field Kata Practice

Kata practice on the shop floor of the host company,performing several coaching and improvement cycles.


Recommended Industries

Manufacturing Companies: Automotive, Electrical/Electronic, Pharmaceutical, Food & Beverages, Printing, Plastics, among others.

Who should attend?

Senior managers, leaders and  middle managers in development, from all industries and businesses that have been on the Lean journey and / or interested in creating a sustainable culture of continuous improvement through use of the cutting edge management methodology of Toyota Kata.


970 Euro /person + VAT


Host Company: IFM Efector SRL,  Sibiu

IFM Efector produces the highest quality industrial sensors and controls.

Quality, innovation, exceptional service and more than 40 years close to the user: ifm electronic is the right choice in terms of automation. From position and process sensors, object recognition, diagnostic and identification systems up to networking and control systems.

Toyota Kata In Field
About IFM Efector

Quality “Made in Germany”, ifm stands for high-quality products. ifm is closely connected to Germany as a location for industry with its corporate headquarters in Essen and more development and production sites in the Lake Constance region where about 88 per cent of the portfolio are developed and manufactured. Other production sites in large sales markets such as Singapore, the USA, Romania and Poland allow fast reaction to regional market requirements.

Plant Location

Strada Salzburg, Sibiu, Romania

Recent Workshops:

Toyota Kata at TAC Michigan – Special guest: Mike Rother

 Toyota Kata in Field at Mercedes Benz, Jeff Liker & Francisco Ocejo

 Toyota Kata at Avanzar Technologies – Tier 1 Toyota Supplier – Jeff Liker & Francisco Ocejo


Toyota Kata In Field

Francisco Ocejo

Toyota Kata Ambassador

Francisco is a Toyota Kata Ambassador and the first Mexican who taught and spread the Toyota Kata.  He has been applying Kata with  Dr. Jeff Liker  and many other Coaches in  several companies.

Francisco has over 12 years helping to develop people in TPS principles and assisted in many operational improvements at several companies. For over 5 years he has been coached by Dr. Liker and Mr Shingo, the former President of the  Toyota-China joint venture. He has also been trained by various Toyota top managers over the years.

TOYOTA KATA: Coaching Cycle

The Improvement Kata

A four-step sequence that is a systematic, scientific pattern for managing teams. Practicing it helps any team get better at meeting goals and challenges.

The Coaching Kata

A set of teaching routines that help you develop coaching skill. It is a coaching pattern that helps managers teach Improvement Kata thinking and acting.

Toyota Kata In Field

How do you develop everyone in the organization to set strategically-aligned goals and work toward them, on time, based on the scientific method? How do you sustain this? How do we get comfortable with challenges and successfully navigate the grey zone between here and there? The Improvement Kata and Coaching Kata provides you with the answers to these questions in a comprehensive management system designed for the twenty-first century.

Companies working with us in Lean:

Do you want to go further? we can answer any question


Contact Us

Let us know your questions,our team will contact you briefly.