Dar a conocer Six Sigma desde el punto de vista ejecutivo con el fin de entablar un diálogo que apoye en la identificación de los elementos necesarios en el despliegue de Six Sigma en su Departamento y en la Organización.
Directivos y Gerentes de todas las áreas de la organización.
Descripción general de la Metodología Six Sigma para Proyectos: DMAIC.
Para cada fase: Revise los conceptos teóricos principales, los criterios de aplicación, qué esperar y qué pedir para los BB y GB en cada fase de DMAIC.
Breve resumen estadístico.
Revise el proceso de implementación Six Sigma: creación, preparación, ejecución, cosecha, renovación.
Diálogo ejecutivo: preguntas y respuestas


oExecutive Introduction to Six Sigma
- Six Sigma Philosophy
- Organization
- Structure
- Roles
- Responsibilities
oDMAIC Methodology
For each phase: Review main theoretical concepts, application criteria, what to expect, and what to ask for the BBs and GBs on each phase of DMAIC:
- Definition Phase – Project Selection, Project Charter
- Measurement Phase – Data, Basic Statistics, Process Map
Continue DMAIC Phases Review:
- Analysis Phase – Process Analysis, Data Analysis, Advance Statistics
- Improve Phase – DOE, Implementation Plan
- Control Phase – Control Plans
oSix Sigma Deployment
Six Sigma Deployment Process: Creation, Preparation, Execution, Harvest, Renovation.
- Guides for Six Sigma Projects selection.
- Guides for Black Belts, Green Belts, and Yellow Belts selection.
- Guides for Six Sigma Training and Certification selection.
- Tools and KPI’s for Six Sigma Projects effective Management and follow-up
- Successful Factors for a Six Sigma Program
oExecutive Dialogue
- Q&A
- Definition Phase – Project Selection, Project Charter
- Measurement Phase – Data, Basic Statistics, Process Map

ALFRA Consulting Division Director
Former American Standard Continuous Improvement Director
Former Daltile Master Black Belt
25 years experience. +20 years as Global Continuous Improvement Leader
Bachelor of Mechanics and Administration
Master Black Belt certified by ITESM.
Gustavo is supporting global organizations in their different facilities around Americas, implementing Top management System and deploy to next levels eliminating cost, improving capacity, and achieving main goals for each of their plants.
Into Gustavo Experience directly in action are companies from different industry sectors such as: Automotive, Aerospace, Steel, Electronic, Food, Ceramic, Services, Logistics, Oil, Electrical. He is always working with plant managers with different experiences an challenges.
Gustavo has learned The Toyota Way directly from its Author, Dr. Jeff Liker, and has applied it on Gemba as a Team with many Executives from Toyota specialized on General Management, TPM, Lean Mfg Tools, and Supply Chain.
Gustavo has taught the Toyota Production System at all organizational levels and has applied over 50 companies of different sizes: Lean Leadership Systems (Hoshin Kanri, FMDS, and 8-Step Problem Solving), Toyota Kata for development, Supply Chain Management, TPM, Lean Manufacturing tools (5S’s, SW, SMED, Jidoka, Poka Yoke, Heijunka, JIT, etc.), and Lean Office approach. On Six Sigma, Gustavo as Master Black Belt has trained and certified +500 Black Belts, Green Belts, and Yellow Belts.
He has +12 years of experience as Vice/President Staff as Continuous Improvement Director for American Standard México and Master Black Belt Champion for Daltile México. He has deployed programs that have achieved +$110 Million USD in savings with +3,000 projects on all departments: R&D, Engineering, Manufacturing, Maintenance, Quality, Logistics, Supply Chain, Sales, Marketing, Finance, HR, Energy. Over his 22 years experience, Gustavo has been exposed to many different organizations applying suitable Lean approaches on a variety of systems with diversity on leadership styles.