On 5-7 July, we had the first in field training in Romania, where we exercised the coaching and improvement routines used to create a Lean culture at all levels, for all kind of challenges.
We [...]
In 6-7 April, we had a training to review the Lean principles applied to transactional (administrative & services) processes.
We had participants from Arad, Oradea, Cluj & Mioveni, which [...]
We had a practical training focused in learning how to visualize and communicate the value stream performance and how to use the guidelines to develop a lean flow in the value stream.
We had [...]
This week we had a great Toyota Kata in field training, at TAC in Michigan, USA. It was instructed by Jeffrey K. Liker and Francisco Ocejo, where we had Mike Rother as special guest , the author [...]
Una din cheile succesului la Toyota este rolul pe care îl joacă Planificarea și Controlul Producției în organizație, fiind vocea clientului în interiorul fabricii.