Agosto 18-20, 2020 ( Agosto 18, 2:00 pm a 4:00 pm) Agosto 19 y 20, 2:00 pm a 4:30 pm)
Sistema de Mejora de operaciones y alcance de objetivos mediante Coaching de Gerencias y Mandos Medios.
- Aplicar el pensamiento científico de una manera en la que se aplica en Toyota para alcanzar grandes retos.
- Ser capaz de mantener una dirección constante del Líder y del aprendiz, mejorar semana a semana con resultados probados en cientos de empresas.
- Mantenerte a ti como líder y a al aprendiz en un ambiente de aprendizaje y mejora continua enfocado a las operaciones de la empresa, y mejorar los indicadores y operación de manera constante.
Conferencia COACHING KATA – FCA Chrysler, Derramadero Saltillo

ALFRA Global Director & Founder
Liker Lean Advisors Vice President
Toyota Kata Ambassador & Pioneer Mexico
Executive Director CAMESCOM MTY
Former Lean Manager at Celestica
Former VP IISE
B.S. Industrial Engineering at Tec de Monterrey
Several Lean Certifications from international Institutes
Francisco has expertise in Lean Culture and Business Transformation from Top Management Vision and Coaching Toyota Kata, Lean Manufacturing, Lean Office.
Francisco Ocejo is leading Alfra Lean Advisors Americas & Europe a Consulting firm with over 1,500 customers companies from many countries. He also is the Vice President of Alfra Institute, a education organization to develop the top Management under a Lean MBA degree formed with Former Toyota executives and Top worldwide Management.
His Experience in Leanlearning and teaching the Toyota Production System include for over 150 facilities around Canada, USA, Mexico, Brazil, Costa Rica, Spain, Romania & Japan.. He has taught and applied Lean Manufacturing tools (5S’s, SW, SMED, Jidoka, Poka Yoke, Heijunka, JIT, etc.). Applied Lean from the senior management level to the operational levels closest to Gemba for international corporations, to mid-size and small family businesses from diferent industry sectors such as: Service, Logistics, Aerospace, Automotive, Electronic, Bank, Ceramic, Education, Defense Electronic, Food & Beverage, Gas & Oil, Electric Manufacturing, and several manufacturing sectors.
Francisco is a Toyota Kata Ambassador and Pioneer to spread the Toyota Kata in Mexico, he has been applying Toyota Kata with his colleague Dr. Jeff Liker ( author of the best seller the toyota Way) in all Americas & Europe for several plants from different industry sectors.
He have the Top Class Elite TPS coaches who always are developing, learning and reflecting about how support companies witht he problems they are facing. Francisco is Mexican Pioneer organizer for JAPAN MISSION.
He has been constantly trained by the Best Seller “Toyota Way (800 hrs),” the Former Toyota President of JV Toyota China Mr Shingo (360 hrs), and Several Toyota top Management ( + 1000 hrs).
Francisco is a former Celestica leader & manager of the Lean Culture Transformation, with BlackBerry (RIM), Palm, HTC as Principals customers, with sales of over 1 billion dollars. This transformation involved over 5,000 people.